Friday, December 19, 2008

Last Day of School of the Year

Ahh.. This week was awesommee!! (Sort of)

Yesterday. The thing I talked about the most? POKEMON.
I was reminiscing about Gold, Silver, and Crystal; how Kurt made those Pokeballs from berries, how we could get SIXTEEN, yes 16 badges in those games!! The Bug-Catching Contest, Red Gyarados, and Red in Mt. Silver. =P

Then in PE Raymond challenged me to a contest; who could name the most Pokemon? Of course, I won ;D (We went up to like 170) But while we were naming them, Thu (classmate in English) goes and shouts "Hey, Nicholas! It's Anabelle!" I mean, seriously, MUST you point that out?! I know it's her... Mind you, she was looking away (and looking embarassed) D= Like... yeah, kinda uncomfortable.
I wonder how it got out...> < too ="D" sure ="/"> <

And in Algebra 2 class I failed (75... and it was multiple choice too :(
Speaking of which, everyone EXPECTS me to be smart. I'm not, period. Just because I wear glasses, I mean, really. -.- I'm failing MATH!! I only tend to read a lot so I dunno why people would think I'm smart...

And as the year draws to a close, we celebrate many holidays: Winter Solstice, Kwanzaa, Christmas, Hannukhah. All from different religions.
Which religion is the right, or true, one? Is religion even correct? If so, which religion should we follow, does one contain the absolute truth, or do all contain pieces of a greater truth?

PS Hurray for first comment!! I'm like reeeellly lonely so like, chat with me =3 AIM is Puresilence3 or just leave more comments ;D

1 comment:

ellyodd said...

Ever heard of dyscalculia? It's "math dyslexia". Google it! Or check out... - - wikipedia