Thursday, December 11, 2008

X-mas Cheer My A$$... (finally a normal post :P)

Exactly what my post says...

You try to organize a white elephant gift exchange, and what do you get?
"Shut the F*** up!"
"I'll think about it"

Exactly that... -.- I guess I'll just cancel, then. Mind you, not that many people joined actually, 8 people total...

Oh and I guess I lost the bet... (I made a bet with two Stevens that I could get 20 people on the list before the 18th, but now I just think I'll drop dead...
I'm still gonna embody the Christmas spirit tho' :)

Hmm... my wallet's gonna be reaaal empty past Dec. 25th...

Yup, so like X-mas cheer, spirit, enthusiasm, etc is all but dead at my school... -.-

Oh I hung out at the library; it was just me and Ryan, and then Darren, and then Raymond joined us, and finally Alvin cam around 4:50. Ooh Sydney was there for a while too. Quite a part there... =3 (Sydney and Alvin are awesomme, and is in my Physics & Alg. 2 class, and English & Alg. 2 class, respectively.)
Yup, it was awesommeee...

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