Saturday, January 17, 2009

Emo Cheese, Sunny Days, and Coins

(For being too lazy to post, I now announce a super long post as I jump from thought to thought that has been on mind for the last weeks)

Hmm, well here's the rundown on the past week or so:
flea market in Fremont (and got a cool letter opener :D),
Mom & Dad nagging me to study for finals,
frantically finishing homework at the last minute,
the three days of finals (and the awesome schedule that goes with it)
and just recently, a boring trip to a Chinese New Year's party (90% of everyone there was 60+)
and now we have a three-day weekend to look forward; well 2 day weekend now...

Well the last week just showed me up; the bright sun has cleared up my gloom =]
Altho' uneventful 'twas still enjoyable; just relaxation and finals. Now that they're over its a plus/minus. Plus: No more frantic studying, or worrying about grades; its a new semester!
Con: No more block schedule, so no more four hour days...
So the sunniness of the weather bodes well for the months to come, I hope.

Au contraire, even with finals being over, and sunny weather, WHY ARE PEOPLE EMO?!?!?!!
Being emo is SO overrated: Why hurt yourself? *Do not confuse being emo with being sad; being sad or miserable is perfectly fine as long as its not all or most of the time.*
Let's name 5 things you got:
1. Parents that give a damn about you
2. Food on the table
3. Be glad you're not livin' on the streets!
4. Be THANKFUL you ain't got cancer!
5. Awesome friends, clothes on your back, and an education.
I could name 95 more but I don't feel like it. =p I mean, seriously: EMO PPLZ, look at your life and compare it to a Darfur or Palestinian refugee, or a poor Peruvian farmer. Ain't it so much better? If you STILL feel emo, here's my number: 408 206 4247. I'm gonna shock it into non-existence! And seriously why do you hurt yourself? Do you get thrills from lacerating your arms and watching blood leak out of your skin? Or bashing your skull senseless against the wall?
NO that's not being emo, thats being a DUMB-ASS!
And by the way, suiciding is a lot harder than you think; oh sure, you wanna kill yourself, or shoot that guy who just pissed you off. But killing is a lot harder than you think, 'cuz you gots a conscience! That 'little voice inside'. And you do not know how it is to kill until you are ACTUALLY FACED IN A LIFE-OR-DEATH SITUATION!! And thats when you realize how precious life is. One more thing, killing yourself doesnt erase the pain and suffering in you; it only passes it onto those who love and care for you: your family and friends.

Now that Rant 1 outta the way: Its RANDOM TOPIC SESSION. Aaaaand this random topic today is: CHEEEEEEZ! Cheese is made from sour milk, combined with rennet, then heated to high temperatures. It is then wrapped loosely and stored in an open-air place, with the air being cool and dry. And you know what happens next: it turns stinky and mold grows on it =o
For more information go to:

What has two sides to it: both so different, like positive and negative, light and dark, yet both sides are part of the same whole? A coin. And people too. Hmm how can I put this..?
He/she has many friends, and is genuinely sociable, funny, and enjoyable to be around. But when confronted with someone that person does not know or does not feel comfortable with, they react with an unexpected hostility. Many people are like this, perhaps unknowingly. But try melding those two sides together, into a perfect sphere, and see what blossoms from that.
(If you don't know the people/person I am referring to, good =D)

Why, how, and when, do we grow up, to be mature? Society bounds us by laws and traditions, that one becomes an adult when they turn 16, or 18, depending on location. But when do we REALLY grow up? When, as they say, lose our innocence? When we realize that life ain't all its cracked up to be? Why? Because we must, to provide for our families, to realize a sense of understanding. How? As we encounter a life or death situation, or the passing of a loved one? Or any profound disaster, really.
Our parents influence that growth, too. They push us to become that doctor, or lawyer, ignoring our own dreams and repasts. They do it because themselves in us, so that if we become that surgeon, they will too. But we aren't them. Two pieces of a completely new and different whole. We search our own calling through the years, to seek and forge our own path, and along it, come to an understanding.

Society demands that we abide by their laws, and provide for society itself. But we are allowed to follow our own dreams, our ways, as long as in doing so it does not encroach on others'.

Now as for coming to an understanding that life is crappy, here are two quotes:
1. Life sucks. And then you die.
2. There are only two things certain in life: death and taxes.
So with such a gloomy outlook on things, what is there to hope for? (Of course we have religion and an after-life, hopefully, but asides that) What comes after life? Just death? If we have nothing to look forward, then we might as well eat, drink and be merry right? WRONG
*When does a man die? Is it when he's shot in the heart with a pistol? NO
When he's stricken with a deadly disease? NO
When he eats soup made from a deadly mushroom? NO
Its when he is forgotten.*
Contribute to society. Make a BANG and make your mark! Don't let others forget you; make it so man will see in a whole new light, so that we can reach ever-more attainable heights. Let the people around you be influenced by you, (in the good way of course) shine brightly and let that light reflect long and far down the path of humanity, so that others can see that flame flicker still.

And so what if life sucks? Make it so your life DOESN'T suck! That's your job, to make your life, and those around you somewhat more bearable, so that you can die fat and happy. (by fat i mean well-fed not obese)

**With apologies to Eiichiro Oda (Altho' I doubt he's gonna read this =o)

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